Generic Banner Images

Per Content Studio, use the following images below when a generic banner background is needed.

When updating an existing banner on a page, please do the following:

  • In Hero Banner, check "Hide Gradient"
  • In the Heading and Description component of the banner, uncheck "Enable Horizontal Line Below Title" if it is checked to remove it from the banner

Top Banner

Remember to manually check "Hide Gradient". 

Offer Banner

"Hide Gradient" will be checked by default for new banners.

When displaying more than one generic offer banner per page, use them in the order provided on this page. Refer to Options A-D.

Please note: Option C is the same image as the Contact Banner, but they have different filenames. Use the correct image for the correct use case. Do not place these identical images directly on top of each other in a page. If that use case occurs, then use the Option D image for the final offer instead of the Option C image.

Contact Banner

"Hide Gradient" will be checked by default for new banners.

If the existing contact banner on a page is using a solid purple background, then it is okay to leave it as is. Otherwise, update to recommended image below.

Top banner H1

Now named: W0001-top

Was named: W001-large-a_purple-23-04.jpg

"Hide Gradient" selected manually

Option 1 - Offer banner H2

Now named: W0004-offer-a

Was named: W004-eco-texture_purple-01_23-04.jpg

"Hide Gradient" selected by default

Option 2 - Offer banner H2

Now named: W0004-offer-b

Was named: W004-waves-texture_purple-01_23-04.jpg

"Hide Gradient" selected by default

Option 3 - Offer banner H2

Now named: W0004-offer-c

Was named: W004-large-a-texture_purple-23-04.jpg

"Hide Gradient" selected by default

Option 4 - Offer banner H2

Now named: W0004-offer-d

Was named: W004-eco-texture_light-01_23-04.jpg

"Hide Gradient" selected by default

Contact banner H2

Now named: W004-contact

Was named: W004-large-a-texture_purple-23-04.jpg

"Hide Gradient" selected by default