San Jose Water needed to reduce energy costs, lower carbon emissions, and improve the performance of its assets to keep water flowing to customers sustainably. To do this, the utility first had to analyze and monitor pump efficiency and relative operational cost across its groundwater and booster stations. San Jose Water turned to AVEVA solutions to bring all of its data in one place and improve operations control and data management. With better asset monitoring capabilities, San Jose Water can operate pumps when energy rates are lowest to save thousands in electric bills and meet sustainability goals. As a result, the utility reduced energy costs to save $143,000 annually, and it saw a return on investment less than one year after implementation.
“With AVEVA PI System, we have increased efficiency and decreased costs. We estimate we’ll see a return on investment in less than one year.”
Blake Chetcuti, Operations Supervisor, San Jose Water
- Improve the cost-to-production ratio and overall efficiency of pumps to reduce energy costs.
- Move from reaction-based maintenance strategies to condition-based asset management.
- Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% by 2030.
- The field efficiency tests previously used to prioritize pump operations were costly and time-consuming to perform and offered static results that could be years old.
- The inability to view real-time asset information led to unexpected asset failures and costly downtime.
- AVEVA PI System
- AVEVA™ PI Vision™
- AVEVA™ System Platform
- AVEVA™ InTouch HMI
- AVEVA™ Historian
- Operators can make informed decisions that improve overall pump efficiency, prevent pump failure, and reduce the costs of pump operation.
- The company reduced energy costs to save $143,000 annually.
- The company reduced its carbon footprint by 206 tons per year.